EU Commissar Karel De Gucht Will Not Give Up on ACTA
EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, who pretends to be a classical-liberal, but in reality is a pure statist, is stepping up his efforts to get ACTA approved. ACTA stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and would, if approved, severely damage free speech and hinder free trad eon the internet.
Even now that members of the European Parliament have again rejected ACTA, De Gucht has no intention of giving up.
He seems to be oblivious to the recommendations to reject it from the five EU committees that have already voted on it, and will likely ignore the ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on whether ACTA is compatible with EU law. In a speech given just prior to the EU's International Trade committee's vote, Karel De Gucht tried to win members of the European Parliament over and vowed not to give up on the treaty:
If you decide for a negative vote before the European Court rules, let me tell you that the Commission will nonetheless continue to pursue the current procedure before the Court, as we are entitled to do. A negative vote will not stop the proceedings before the Court of Justice.
He adds that, if the treaty fails a vote in the European Parliament, he will simply resubmit it again at a later date.
Let's hope the people have the guts to stand up against this statist. There's a reason that so many countries are against ACTA: it's bad for the entire world.