The trade union movement has never been in favor of the common laborer
That Unions represent "The Workers" is one of the biggest con jobs in the history of Western Civilization.
Garry North explains:
A fundamental right of a free society is this: the right to bid. Anyone who meets the requirements of a job should have a legal right to bid. Anyone who offers a job should have a legal right to accept a bid. This is the essence of freedom. It is the essence of capitalism.
It is the essence of government-protected unions to violate this principle.
The key element in all of this in Chicago's public schools today is government coercion. The government establishes the terms of exchange, thereby negating the right to bid by anyone who is not a member of a union. It also negates the right to accept the bid by anyone who is offering employment. The trade union movement is based on someone with a badge and a gun who sticks the gun in the belly of the person who is willing to accept the bid.
The trade union movement has never been in favor of the common laborer. The trade union movement has always been in favor of a minority of workers who have joined a union, whose union then meets the federal government's legal requirements to establish itself as a monopoly for labor services. A vote of 50% plus 1 of today's employees can keep out all future employees who do not join the union. The union is then given the right to call in someone with a badge and a gun, who then sticks the gun in the belly of someone who is offering to hire a worker.
The essence of the trade union movement is the use of violence, or the threat of violence, or both, in order to establish a monopoly of a privileged group of workers, who hold their position of privilege on the basis of political power.